Process efficiency specialists

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         The Acumanage Method


Mission statement

From our base in Torbay, United Kingdom, our aim is: 

To provide our local and international customers with leadership and management tools to achieve comparative advantages, continuous improvement and sustainable results.

To promote the three pillars of success: ethics, efficiency and efficacy; and to provide tailor-made dynamic and coherent solutions to our customers and clients, whatever the size and scope of their enterprise.

To help companies, SMEs, NGOs, local and international businesses and associations to improve their management and business processes and to share with them our extensive experience in effective quality management systems, strategic planning, monitoring and evaluation, empowering them and their enterprises with the means to strengthen organisational and institutional capabilities at reasonable and competitive rates.

We endeavour to understand our customers' businesses fully so as to be able to offer comprehensive and achievable solutions to their problems and facilitate their route to success.